Bos3ayd Mohammed
Nice location but if you’re going after 3 pm it will be sunny on one side, like the sun in your eyes you’ll need sunglasses.
Tuafir malaeib Padel altaabieat la Sahara Padel Tennis , alwaqieat fi muqataea bialeunwan Off 6th Ring Road, Near Hunting & Equestrian Club Subhan Area, Kuwait Kuwait, 29930, Kuwait 4 malaeib kharijiat wajamie alkhiarat limumarasat luebat tinis almidriba. mae ‘asdiqayik wafusulik alkhasat ‘aw aljamaeiat wahajz almahkamat min Wednesday: Open 24 hours fi alsabah hataa baed alzuhri.
aleunwan alkamil limalaeib alnaadi Sahara Padel Tennis: Off 6th Ring Road, Near Hunting & Equestrian Club Subhan Area, Kuwait Kuwait, 29930, Kuwait
lihajz wastijar almalaeib , yumkinuk aliatisal bialhatif +965 9927 2267 ‘aw albarid al’iilikturunii lilnaadi
limazid min almaelumat , yumkinuk ziarat mawqie alwib alkhasi bihim:
ladayhim muraqibin mutakhasisin litahqiq ‘aqsaa aistifadatan min mazaya alnaadi. kama ‘anaha tuafir drwsan fardiatan wajamaeiatan fi altajdif. as’al ean alkhiarat
saeat malaeib altinis hi:
yuqadim nadi Sahara Padel Tennis marafiq wasieatan w mijdaf litatamakan min laeib tinis almidrab ealaa madar alsanati.
lam yanshur alnaadi Sahara Padel Tennis al’asear baed
tahtawi hadhih almunsha’at ealaa min altaeliqat dhat tasnif 3.9
Nice location but if you’re going after 3 pm it will be sunny on one side, like the sun in your eyes you’ll need sunglasses.
I liked more when it was outdoors
The court is clean and neat, the fence of the field however is not measured to perfection. there is a single column that bothers you and is approximately 2 CM of the glass of the sides of the court. otherwise I would say that this os one of the best courts in town
A set of 3 fields side by side – tricky to get there but a nice place
El club Sahara Padel Tennis abre a las Tuesday: Open 24 hours