Tamdeen Square is Now Grand Hyatt Residencies.
Tuafir malaeib Padel altaabieat la Tamdeen Square , alwaqieat fi muqataea bialeunwan Building 13 Street 216, Sabah Al Salem, Kuwait 2 malaeib kharijiat wajamie alkhiarat limumarasat luebat tinis almidriba. mae ‘asdiqayik wafusulik alkhasat ‘aw aljamaeiat wahajz almahkamat min Wednesday: 8:00 fi alsabah hataa 3:30PM baed alzuhri.
aleunwan alkamil limalaeib alnaadi Tamdeen Square: Building 13 Street 216, Sabah Al Salem, Kuwait
lihajz wastijar almalaeib , yumkinuk aliatisal bialhatif +965 2530 9995 ‘aw albarid al’iilikturunii lilnaadi info@tamdeen.com
limazid min almaelumat , yumkinuk ziarat mawqie alwib alkhasi bihim: https://www.tamdeen.com/portfolio/tamdeen-square
ladayhim muraqibin mutakhasisin litahqiq ‘aqsaa aistifadatan min mazaya alnaadi. kama ‘anaha tuafir drwsan fardiatan wajamaeiatan fi altajdif. as’al ean alkhiarat
saeat malaeib altinis hi:
yuqadim nadi Tamdeen Square marafiq wasieatan w mijdaf litatamakan min laeib tinis almidrab ealaa madar alsanati.
lam yanshur alnaadi Tamdeen Square al’asear baed
tahtawi hadhih almunsha’at ealaa min altaeliqat dhat tasnif 4.2
Tamdeen Square is Now Grand Hyatt Residencies.
For a newly built luxury building with a 200K KWD price tag for an apartment, it was still under construction (or under repair) and also understaffed.
Best and luxurious apartment’s in Kuwait
A great investment with amazing views, in an area that will soon thrive with activity.
What a luxurious residential project. I inpected it and was astonished at the quality level with finishes and services unparalleled. the rooms were spacious,most had beautiful views of the sea, and the kitchen was wide enough to fit all the necessary equipment. Even the helper’s quarters were well thought off. The driver’s apartment was adjacent to the apartment with a separate entrance. It was with the visit and the sales lady was very knowledgeable and helpful and eager to explain all the details of the services
El club Tamdeen Square abre a las Tuesday: 8:00